Tag Archives: AMAZING


The chances are we’ve gone too far

he likes the stories where the knights fight monsters

in the dark he did not need a name, so it was easy to forget..

your grace, you are the rightful king. not only by blood. you’re an honorable man, a just man. and there is still a war to fight.

he took a step but then felt tired, he said i’ll rest a little while. but when he tried to walk again, he wasn’t a child

rickon stark, requested by lordeddardstark

You killed them. You and the ravens. Their faces were all torn, and their eyes were gone.” Coldhands did not deny it. “They were your brothers. I saw. The wolves had ripped their clothes up, but I could still tell. Their cloaks were black. Like your hands.” Coldhands said nothing. “Who are you? Why are your hands black?”

Fairytale | Richard Armitage, Colin O’Donoghue, Jonas Armstrong, Katie McGrath, & Jessica Brown-Findlay (for brambleberrycottage) (x)


vive la france
inspired by the very talented shireens

If I’m King, where’s my power? Can I form a government? Can I levy a tax, declare a war? No! And yet I am the seat of all authority. Why? Because the nation believes that when I speak, I speak for them. But I can’t speak.